Providing reliable, quality cleaning to over 5,000 UK businesses
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10 Great Reasons
to Join the Minster Cleaning Team
Jobs are available with varying hours, times and days – perfect as your main role or as a top up to your existing income**.
Security – we are a stable, thriving company trusted to clean for thousands of organisations UK wide. We make sure our team is paid on time, every time.
You will have the support of our friendly, caring and approachable field and office teams. If ever you have a query or concern, we’re only a phone call away.
Unlike other jobs that can be repetitive, you’ll have freedom to prioritise your own tasks as long as you follow the cleaning specification and meet your agreed hours.
Recognition for a job well done. We know how important it is to thank members of the team, particularly when they go the extra mile.
You’ll receive training to help you perform your role safely and effectively.
We provide everything you need – uniform, equipment and materials. Just bring yourself!
No unreasonable expectations! We always ensure that the work we quote for can be delivered without unrealistic time pressures on our cleaning team.
Cleaning is a great way to relieve stress and improve or maintain your fitness by being active – while being paid at the same time!
You’ll have the chance to make a real difference to people’s working environments by keeping them clean, hygienic and welcoming.
** From time to time, optional additional hours may also be available (e.g. holiday cover for other cleaning operatives).