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01903 817123
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01903 817123

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Part Time Daytime Cleaning Job Lewes (ws/lw). - Copy
£12.30 per hour
01903 817123
Further Info:
Please ReadPART TIME
Tuesday and Thursday each week for 2.5 hours during daytime hours. Total of 5 hours each week. (5 total hours)
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Further Information
Tuesday and Thursday each week for 2.5 hours during daytime hours. Total of 5 hours each week.
Part Time Daytime Cleaning Job Lewes (WS/LW).
Tuesday and Thursday each week for 2.5 hours during daytime hours. Total of 5 hours each week. £12.30 per hour - £3,198.00 per year. Permanent contract. Pleasant site, friendly customer. PLEASE TELEPHONE Minster Cleaning Services on 01903 817 817 with your personal details and brief employment history. DUE TO LOCATION OWN TRANSPORT IS ESSENTIAL.